Diagnosing 5 Worrisome AC Odors in Parrish, FL

If your air conditioner in Parrish, FL, is putting out some unusual odors as of late, it may be time for a thorough inspection. If these strange smells have not gone away over time, it’s especially important to have someone inspect your air conditioner, as it could be symptomatic of a larger issue. Here are five AC odors and what they could mean:

Smoke or Gunpowder

A smoky or gunpowdery smell can mean that something is on fire within your air conditioner, so turn it off quickly and call a professional. Anything from wiring to the motor can catch on fire, or perhaps something is short-circuiting. Whatever it is, be sure to take care of it immediately to avoid a fire.

Car Exhaust

Refrigerant leaking in your air conditioner can create a distinct car-exhaust-like smell. Sometimes the fluid may be leaking directly into the motor, which not only smells bad but can also damage the system over time.

Smelly Socks

A nasty sock smell is often indicative of bacteria buildup or even fungi within the AC system. Fresh air filters can quickly remedy this problem. Change your filter every 30-90 days.

Skunk Smell

If you smell something similar to a skunk coming from the air conditioner, in some cases, it means an animal is decomposing within the ductwork. This is especially common in spring because animals may nest within the ductwork during winter for shelter.

Rotten Eggs

A rotten-egg smell may indicate that there’s a gas leak inside your home. This is something that you should handle quickly due to the potential danger. Evacuate the home and call a professional, letting them know you think there’s a gas leak.

Gross odors coming from your AC system can be really frustrating to deal with. All American Heating & Cooling provides 24/7 emergency air conditioning repair services. Call our team so our service technicians can fix your AC system in no time.

Image provided by iStock

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