Get the Most Out of Your Existing AC and Save Energy Dollars

save energy dollarsWhen you want to save energy dollars, but you’re not ready for a new air conditioning system, you can still take steps to reduce utility bills in your Bradenton-area home. If your cooling system is a few years old but still reliable, try the following energy-saving tips.

Decrease Usage of Your Central AC Without Compromising Comfort

  • Install a programmable thermostat or remember to raise the temperature setting when you go out.
  • Close windows and doors to keep cool air in.
  • Air condition occupied rooms only. Leave some interior doors/registers open, however, to maintain balanced airflow.
  • Keep indoor humidity down, using exhaust fans in kitchen and shower. Run the dishwasher and do laundry after sundown.
  • Limit use of the outside air option in window AC units.
  • Install ceiling fans to boost comfort and try turning your thermostat up a few degrees. You should still be comfortable with the wind chill effect provided by a ceiling fan. Don’t run ceiling fans if you’re not in the room, since they cool your skin but don’t reduce room temperature.

Increase Airflow and Help Your Cooling System Perform Better

  • Clean or replace air conditioner filters monthly. Clogged A/C units work extra hard to cool your house, use excess energy, get old before their time and don’t keep you as cool as they should. Correct the problem with this simple, cost-effective DIY maintenance task.

Get an AC Tune-up and Extend Equipment Life

  • Schedule preventive air conditioner maintenance with your local HVAC contractor annually. The technician will inspect, clean, oil and tune up your system. S/he should also measure and adjust airflow and recharge refrigerant if needed.
  • Have ducts inspected and sealed if recommended due to leaks.

With proper maintenance, your cooling system may last well beyond the 10-year average. Since we rely upon our air conditioners a lot here in the Sarasota area, when yours gets older or starts to need frequent repairs, consider replacement. A new system will start paying for itself right away in reduced energy costs.

For professional HVAC maintenance, repairs or new installations, save energy dollars by contacting All American Heating & Cooling.

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