Your Summer Home Maintenance Guide

Warm weather and longer days make summer a perfect time for Palmetto, Florida, homeowners to attend to those long-pending home maintenance tasks. Take a closer look around your home and prepare a list of things that need a touch-up, repair, or replacement. Here are some quick maintenance tasks that can keep your home appliances running smoothly, prevent damage to your property, save you in energy bills, and help keep your house in great shape.

Clean the Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fan blades tend to gather dust over time. Now that they will be rotating more often and at a higher speed, prevent them from churning dust in your home. Switch off the fan and wipe the blades clean using a damp cloth. Spray a liquid cleaner if the dirt layer is really sticking. Use a step stool or platform ladder to reach the fan. If you don’t have a ladder, you can also use a long ceiling-fan duster.

Tune Up Your Air Conditioner

Your air conditioner will be working hard to keep your home cool in the summer. Make sure you prep them at the beginning of the season for smooth and efficient functioning. Changing the air filter and cleaning the condensate pipe are among some simple maintenance tasks you can take up at home.

For other tuneups like checking refrigerant levels, faulty wiring, heat transfer loss, duct leakage, belt-pulley adjustment, motor lubrication, and blower wheels functioning, consider calling in an HVAC professional for an inspection. You may also want to upgrade or replace the AC unit if it’s too old. We’ll be able to tell you when it’s time for a new unit.

Remove Mold and Mildew

Check the walls of your home for mold and mildew growth. They are more than likely to appear in the summer due to heat and humidity. Pressure washing is the easiest way to remove mold from the exterior of your house. If you are scrubbing the walls manually, use a bleach solution for better results. In either case, remember to protect plants and electrical outlets.

Keep the Humidity in Check

With the rise in precipitation during summer, dealing with humidity can be challenging for homeowners in Florida. High levels of humidity in the indoor air not only makes you feel hotter but it also moistens your home’s walls and windows, making them prone to mold and mildew growth.

Since cool air can hold less moisture, your air conditioning unit naturally offers some dehumidification by cooling the air. However, if the humidity is too high, we can install a dehumidifier to keep your home cool and dry. Additionally, if your air conditioner has a built-in humidistat, we can ensure that it is working properly.

Improve the Indoor Air Quality

Due to the use of noxious chemicals in common household products like paints, cleaners, detergents, air fresheners, and insect killers, the indoor air in your home is more polluted than the outdoor air. Since your family spends more time inside the home, indoor air quality has a major impact on their health. If anybody in your home suffers from allergy, asthma, or some other respiratory condition, then you have all the more reason to put indoor air quality at the top of your list.

There is a whole range of products like ventilators, air purifiers, UV lamps, and CO2 alarms that can help you improve the indoor air quality. Our trained air quality specialists are NATE-certified, making them the right people to guide you on what is best suited for your home.

Other Miscellaneous Tasks

Inspect your home for leaks and cracks. Make sure it is properly sealed and insulated to facilitate efficient cooling.

Summer is also the season most prone to fire hazards. Look out for any improperly exposed electrical wires and get them insulated. Ensure that your home’s smoke detectors are in good health. Check and change the batteries, if required.

It is also important to save water. So, check and fix the leaks from hoses and faucets.

Other summer tasks to add in your to-do list can include cleaning your house, carpet, deck, and gutter, pest control, chimney repair, roof repair, and painting.

If you are looking for reliable HVAC maintenance, our experts at All American Heating & Cooling are just a call away. Give us call at (941) 451-5228.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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